Welcome to 
Moin Zen!

Inner balance begins where stress ends.


Welcome to 
Moin Zen! 

Inner balance starts where stress ends.

Nice to have you here!

As an expe­ri­en­ced coach, I support on the journey towards greater mindful­ness and inner balance. My goal is to help you leave the stress and hustle of daily life behind and noti­ce­ab­ly improve your quality of life. Addi­tio­nal­ly, I offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn medi­ta­ti­on in Hamburg to streng­then your inner resour­ces.

Take a look around my website and let yours­elf be inspi­red by the pos­si­bi­li­ties available to you. I look forward to accom­pany­ing you per­so­nal­ly on your journey and helping you lead a more balan­ced and ful­fil­ling life.


Indi­vi­du­al online coa­ching or group medi­ta­ti­on? Find the right offer for you!


Coa­ching enables you to shape your life accor­ding to your own desires. Tog­e­ther, we will explore your current situa­ti­on and develop con­cre­te steps to enhance your quality of life. Throug­hout the coa­ching process, you will become incre­asing­ly aware of your issues and dis­co­ver new paths that lead you to your inner center. My goal is to help you unleash your full potential! 


The Moin Zen Medi­ta­ti­on offers a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn the art of medi­ta­ti­on in Hamburg and online. Our medi­ta­ti­on prac­ti­ce in Hamburg/online incor­po­ra­tes spe­ci­fic ele­ments from rela­xa­ti­on and somatic therapy to opti­mal­ly prepare you for silent medi­ta­ti­on. Expe­ri­ence an impres­si­ve journey into the world of medi­ta­ti­on in Hamburg/online and find your inner peace at Moin Zen. 


Mindful­ness allows you to con­scious­ly expe­ri­ence the present moment and helps you manage des­truc­ti­ve thoughts and beha­vi­ors. Regular prac­ti­ce can promote pro­found rela­xa­ti­on and stress reduc­tion, which can posi­tively affect per­so­na­li­ty deve­lo­p­ment and your overall well-being. Addi­tio­nal­ly, it fosters a deeper con­nec­tion with oneself, enhan­cing self-awa­re­ness and emo­tio­nal resilience. 

Discover the depth of your consciousness


Every person is unique — my ser­vices are indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to you and your needs.


EMDR (Eye Move­ment Desen­si­tiza­ti­on and Repro­ces­sing) is a body-ori­en­ted method that helps you release emo­tio­nal blocka­ges, enhance your per­for­mance, and foster your per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment. Through the tar­ge­ted appli­ca­ti­on of eye move­ments, sounds, or touches, EMDR sup­ports your brain’s natural pro­ces­sing ability.

In my role as a coach, I use EMDR to help you process and resolve deeply rooted nega­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces. EMDR can be effec­ti­ve in various areas of life, inclu­ding mana­ging stress, impro­ving per­for­mance and crea­ti­vi­ty, over­co­ming fears, and boos­ting self-awareness.


Brain­log® is a body-cen­te­red approach based on the latest fin­dings in brain rese­arch, com­bi­ning various methods such as EMDR, NLP, Brain­spot­ting, posi­ti­ve psy­cho­lo­gy, and huma­nism into a unique method. Coa­ching with Brain­log® can faci­li­ta­te fast and lasting pro­ces­ses of insight and healing, as it acce­le­ra­tes the pro­ces­sing of distres­sing expe­ri­en­ces and pro­mo­tes the inte­gra­ti­on of resources.

This method is sui­ta­ble for adults, child­ren, and teen­agers, as well as for indi­vi­du­als who may be reluc­tant to talk about their issues or have dif­fi­cul­ty acces­sing their own emotions.


Rebirt­hing, also known as “Con­scious Breathing,” is an inte­gra­ti­ve brea­thwork tech­ni­que aimed at impro­ving breathing and holi­sti­cal­ly res­to­ring the body, mind, and soul. Stress and nega­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces can impair breathing, leading to emo­tio­nal blocka­ges and phy­si­cal dis­com­fort. Regular rebirt­hing ses­si­ons can help dis­sol­ve these blockages.

Through rebirt­hing, you will expe­ri­ence impro­ved breathing, better sleep, mental clarity, and emo­tio­nal sta­bi­li­ty. Fur­ther­mo­re, you will be able to connect more deeply with yours­elf and others and develop a deeper rela­ti­onship with your spirituality.

Neurogenic Tremors 

Neu­ro­ge­nic tremors is a fasci­na­ting method for reli­e­ving and releasing accu­mu­la­ted stress and trau­ma­tic expe­ri­en­ces in the body. This tech­ni­que was deve­lo­ped to natu­ral­ly address stored emo­tio­nal burdens and ten­si­ons in the mus­cu­lar and nervous systems.

This method is based on the idea that our body often stores pro­lon­ged stress or trau­ma­tic events in the form of tension, which can cause both phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal dis­com­fort. It uti­li­zes the body’s amazing ability to trigger a certain natural reflex in stress situa­tions. This reflex causes the muscles to tremble or vibrate in a spe­ci­fic way.

About me

My spi­ri­tu­al journey began in 2019 when I tra­ve­led to India and Sri Lanka for a year to learn more about medi­ta­ti­on and mindful­ness.

On this trip , I rea­li­zed that medi­ta­ti­on and mindful­ness can often be chal­len­ging, espe­ci­al­ly when we carry stress and emo­tio­nal bagagge. Fur­ther­mo­re I dis­co­ver­ed body-cen­te­red methods that help reduce stress and dis­sol­ve blocka­ges.

After retur­ning to Germany, I com­ple­ted trai­ning in coa­ching, body­work, and mindful­ness. Since then, I have been using this holi­stic sym­bio­sis to enhance the emo­tio­nal health and well-being of my clients.

I warmly invite you to a free initial con­sul­ta­ti­on to get to know me better or to join me during a medi­ta­ti­on session in Hamburg or online. Tog­e­ther, we can explore ways to enhance your well-being.

Free consultation


“Niko helped me under­stand the ‘fear behind my fear,’ allo­wing me to reflect more clearly on my own beha­vi­or. With his metho­do­lo­gy, I learned to better per­cei­ve emo­ti­ons and con­scious­ly address (inner) con­flicts. I recom­mend Niko’s coa­ching to anyone who wants to get to know them­sel­ves better and uncover uncon­scious conflicts.”

Nadine E.

“Tog­e­ther with Niko, I was able to take my first sus­tainable steps in the field of medi­ta­ti­on. He accom­pa­nied me with incre­di­ble pati­ence, under­stan­ding, and empathy, which truly helped me to con­sis­t­ent­ly stay com­mit­ted, espe­ci­al­ly on days when finding inner peace was chal­len­ging. Niko gently intro­du­ced me to various medi­ta­ti­on tech­ni­ques, which I can easily apply in the fast-paced daily life. The path of medi­ta­ti­on towards greater mindful­ness and empathy is a long journey, but I can already say with full con­vic­tion that I am glad to have embark­ed on it tog­e­ther with Niko.”

Felix K.

“Dear Niko, thank you so much for your superb support. You truly took the time to under­stand me and helped me over­co­me my fears. Your atten­ti­ve­ness ensured my well-being throug­hout the entire process. With your caring and loving approach, I quickly built a trus­ting rela­ti­onship with you.”

Simone M.

“I’ve never really been able to medi­ta­te until I tried it with Niko. He helped me under­stand the whole process and learn medi­ta­ti­on with ease. You quickly see the change in your own life when you start medi­ta­ting with him. You feel con­nec­ted to your body on a deeper level, become aware of your thoughts, and most important­ly, learn to stay in the present moment. Now I can apply his approach every day, and I am very gra­teful that our paths crossed!”

Meltem E.

“The work Niko does is trans­for­ma­ti­ve on the deepest level. Before I started working with Niko, I had no idea that I was tack­ling my con­cerns and inter­nal obs­ta­cles at a very surface/symptomatic level. It was even encou­ra­ged in other healing spaces and per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment moda­li­ties I had explo­red. This work inte­gra­tes the mind and body unlike any­thing else I’d tried before. I learned how to truly take an unflin­ching, deep look at the reality of my expe­ri­ence and that allowed me to trans­form my most per­sis­tent anxie­ties and pain-points in ways and at a rate I could never have ima­gi­ned before. And never once did I feel unsafe or over­whel­med. Deeply gra­teful to have found Niko, he has a true gift for this work and the highest inte­gri­ty. I can’t say enough good things about working with Niko and the immense­ly posi­ti­ve changes it has brought to my life, ful­fill­ment, and sense of con­nec­tion to and trust in myself.

You are so awesome and I’m so glad to know you and get to work with you!”

Pema R.


For appoint­ment requests, ques­ti­ons, or comm­ents, please feel free to contact me.

© 2024 — Moin Zen — Niko Pokrywka 

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